Residential Care
Day Services
“The healthy social life is found, when in the mirror of each human soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the community the virtue of each one is living.” R. Steiner
At Garvald West Linton, we have created a social environment that promotes individual development and well-being. The philosophy supporting our work is based on the principles of Rudolf Steiner, whose approach to human psychology and development highlights the uniqueness of each individual human, whatever their disability. He also developed particular therapeutic methods that we practice here at Garvald. The provision of creative and productive work opportunities, a rhythmical daily life and a shared cultural life are important therapeutic factors in our work.
Regardless of whether they have a learning disability, many people who come to Garvald West Linton have not only experienced growth in their self-confidence, but also have developed personally by gaining new skills.
Garvald West Linton Ltd. is a registered Scottish Charity No. SCO20909
Happening Now
We Are Recruiting
We are currently seeking to fill several positions at Garvald West Linton. Please see Work With Us page for details on how to apply.

Residential Care
At Garvald West Linton, we have developed a successful model of group living. Our model of group living provides opportunities for friendships to develop and a caring and supportive environment where social skills can be nurtured.

Day Services
At the heart of Garvald lies the ideal of valuing the contribution of each individual. Residents and day service users are encouraged and supported to participate in productive and creative activity. This is achieved through the provision of a variety of workshops, which run from Monday to Friday and can be attended either daily or on specific days of the week.

At Garvald West Linton, we also offer a range of complementary therapies remedies to aid in self development and growth.
I get to talk about my support plan at my reviews and I get to talk about things I want to change. I like how Willow is decorated. I feel nice in my bedroom and the living room. I feel safe in Willow. Staff are nice and they do their job well. I feel okay when staff change and I like meeting new staff. I go to staff when I am unhappy and they listen to me – they try to make me happy again.
I like going on my bike with staff to go and have tea break with other staff. I miss staff when they leave. When staff notice I am unhappy they try and do something about it