Olympic Games Day

A date will be confirmed in the coming weeks for our Olympic games day – please get the training started now!

80th Birthday Celebrations

Garvald West Linton are celebrating their 80th Birthday this year and have many wonderful events planned to mark this special occasion. In conjunction with these celebrations we are planning a […]

Michaelmas and Harvest

Morning workshops followed by a communal lunch together of various soups prepared by each of the houses. Bakery will provide bread rolls and cheeses will also be served. Gardeners will […]

Clocks Go Back 1 Hour

Time to put the Halloween decorations up and start the pumpkin/turnip carving!

Hallowe’en Party

Hallowe'en party in one of the houses, or main house, and each house to do a game – dooking for apples (with forks!), treacle scones, flower and sweet game etc. […]

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is a feast day observing the lives of the many saints for whom there is no specific feast day during the year.

Pumpkin Trail

Follow the Pumpkin Trail round the grounds of Garvald West Linton! Fund raiser for our 80th Birthday celebrations. £5 per car, payable on the day.

Guy Fawkes Night

Fire works with hot chocolate in one of the Houses or in Willow

St Martin

We'll make lanterns with glass jars and tissue paper on the outside, and have a Lantern walk with a story about St Martin and the Beggar. We'll have small paper […]

Wreath Making in the Main House

Advent wreath making in the dining room for all – day service will provide the greenery, candles and equipment.

1st Advent

Advent celebration at the Main house. 5 pointed star to be laid out by Estate/Maintenance in preparation for each house to light their candle and leave at the star to […]

St Nicholas

We polish the shoes and put them outside the residents door for the night into the 6th, make parcels with napkins and sweets and place one on the shoe for […]

Garvald Christmas Fair

A Christmassy fair with workshops and Houses selling their items they have made

Christmas Day Breakfast

Stollen provide by the bakery - Christmas day Service - Christmas meal in the main house –Each house to be cooking the allocated part of the communal meal – Turkey, […]

Robert Burns Day

Communal Lunch in the Main House. After lunch then song/poem contributions. (please note this event will take place on Friday 24th January from 1pm)

Palm Sunday

Holy Week 9.30am Gather every morning in the Hall for the gospel, talk about the planets and grain, song and piano piece, tree of the day and Eurythmy gesture

Good Friday

Good Friday – working on the land in the morning. Good Friday gathering in the music room in the afternoon.